Landarbide Zahar is my name, which means 'passage of foreigners' (the Camino de Santiago passed in front of me). It is said that I was built around the year 1610 and since then I have sheltered countless people. In 1790 Ignacio Antonio Agote and his wife Maria Josefa Irarramendi came to live with me with their six children. This humble family of farmers and ranchers worked my lands over the years and fed their animals with the fruits. I am not just a simple dwelling; my arms embrace many pastures and forests.

Many years have passed, some better than others, but the Agote family still inhabits my heart. Fermin Agote and his wife Mª Jesús Beobide with their children Amaia and Xabier now live with me and also engage in agricultural and livestock activities like their ancestors. They undertook a series of renovations in 1996, and since then the barn and the old stable have been converted into an AGROTOURISM (Etxe Nagusia and Etxe Ordekoa) and RURAL HOUSE (Barruti, Munalla, and Perratzu), thus welcoming guests from all over the world. How things are! It must be my destiny. Landarbide Zahar is my name, 'passage of foreigners', and now it is also my being.

If you are looking for tranquility, easy accessibility, a family atmosphere, enjoying the proximity of the sea and a privileged natural environment, and making excursions to gradually get to know the Basque Country, you have come to the right place.

Come visit me, you won't regret it!